C++ Code Generated for WSDL Operation Input/Output/Fault

Control classes are generated for WSDL Operation input/output/fault bindings. The purpose of a control class is to act as a control interface for encoding or decoding complete XML documents or messages. This class allows a message buffer or stream object to be associated with a WSDL Operation input/output/fault type class. Once this association is made, methods can be invoked from within the class to serialize data to and from the type class and the buffer or stream.

A sample WSDL Operation Input/Output section is as follows:
class EXTERN Add_Fault_CC : public OSXSDGlobalElement {
   Add_Fault* mpValue;
   Add_Fault_CC& operator= (const Add_Fault_CC&);

   Add_Fault_CC (Add_Fault* pvalue=0);
   Add_Fault_CC (Add_Fault& value);
   Add_Fault_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Fault* pvalue=0);
   Add_Fault_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Fault& value);

   // standard encode/decode methods (defined in base class):
   // int encode ();
   // int decode ();

   // stream encode/decode methods:
   int encodeTo (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);

   inline Add_Fault* getValue() { return mpValue; }
   inline void setValue (Add_Fault* pvalue) { mpValue = pvalue; }

   void genTestInstance();
   void print (const char* name);
} ;

class EXTERN Add_Input_CC : public OSXSDGlobalElement {
   Add_Input* mpValue;
   Add_Input_CC& operator= (const Add_Input_CC&);

   Add_Input_CC (Add_Input* pvalue=0);
   Add_Input_CC (Add_Input& value);
   Add_Input_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Input* pvalue=0);
   Add_Input_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Input& value);

   // standard encode/decode methods (defined in base class):
   // int encode ();
   // int decode ();

   // stream encode/decode methods:
   int encodeTo (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);
   int decodeFrom (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);

   inline Add_Input* getValue() { return mpValue; }
   inline void setValue (Add_Input* pvalue) { mpValue = pvalue; }

   void genTestInstance();
   void print (const char* name);
} ;

class EXTERN Add_Output_CC : public OSXSDGlobalElement {
   Add_Output* mpValue;
   Add_Fault* mpFault;
   Add_Output_CC& operator= (const Add_Output_CC&);

   Add_Output_CC (Add_Output* pvalue=0, Add_Fault* pfault=0);
   Add_Output_CC (Add_Output& value);
   Add_Output_CC (Add_Output& value, Add_Fault& fault);
   Add_Output_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Output* pvalue=0, 
                  Add_Fault* pfault=0);
   Add_Output_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Output& value);
   Add_Output_CC (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, Add_Output& value, 
                  Add_Fault& fault);

   // standard encode/decode methods (defined in base class):
   // int encode ();
   // int decode ();

   // stream encode/decode methods:
   int encodeTo (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);
   int decodeFrom (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);

   // stream validate method:
   int validateFrom (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf);

   inline Add_Output* getValue() { return mpValue; }
   inline void setValue (Add_Output* pvalue) { mpValue = pvalue; }

   void genTestInstance();
   void print (const char* name);
} ;

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