Date/Time Types

By default, the xsd:dateTime, xsd:date, and xsd:time types are mapped to character string variables. However, if the -numDateTime command line option is selected, or a <ctype>numeric</ctype> configuration item is associated with a date/time type, then a reference to the following numeric structure is used:
typedef struct OSXSDDateTime {
   OSINT32      year;
   OSUINT8      mon;            /* 1 <=  mon    <= 12   */
   OSUINT8      day;            /* 1 <=  day    <= 31   */
   OSUINT8      hour;           /* 0 <=  hour   <= 23   */
   OSUINT8      min;            /* 0 <=  min    <= 59	*/
   OSREAL       sec;
   OSBOOL       tz_flag;        /* is tzo explicitely set? */
   OSINT32      tzo;            /* -1440 <= tzo <= 1440 */
} OSXSDDateTime;

For C++, a class is derived from this type (OSXSDDateTimeClass) which provide constructors and helper methods to manipulate date/time values. For example, conversions to and from system time types such as time_t and struct tm are supported. See the XBinder C/C++ Run-time Reference Manual for more details.
The general mapping is as follows:
XSD type:
<xsd:simpleType name="TypeName">
   <xsd:restriction base="xsd:dateTime"/>
Generated C code:
typedef OSXSDDateTime TypeName;

Generated C++ code:
class TypeName : public OSXSDDateTimeClass {
} ;

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