Generated WSDL SOAP Stub Functions

When -genStubs option is specified, SOAP Stub functions are generated. Those functions send a request to a server, wait for a response and decode it. Those functions are written to a .h and a .c files. The format of the names of those files are as follows:

The format of a generated SOAP Stub function name is as follows:
[<ns>]XmlSoap_<wsdl operation name> 

where <wsdl operation name> is the name of the WSDL Operation for which the function is being generated and <ns> is an optional namespace setting that can be used to disambiguate names from multiple sources (note: this should not be confused with XML namespaces which are different).
The calling sequence for each generated SOAP Stub function is as follows:

[<ns>]XmlSoap_<wsdl operation name> (OSSOAPCONN* pConn, 
<wsdl input operation type>* preq, OSOCTET** presp); 

The pConn argument is a pointer to a SOAP connection structure. The preq argument is a pointer to a variable of the wsdl input operation type. The preq contains the information to be sent to the server. The presp argument is a pointer to a variable which holds the response message returned from the server.

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