Find Command


To find a specific data item in a message file, use the Find command.

1. Click Edit from the main menu toolbar.

2. Select the Find option to open a dialog box (Ctrl + F for a shortcut):

The Find toolbar icon can also be used:

It is also possible to search a specific branch in the tree for an item by right-clicking on a node and selecting the Find In option:

The Find dialog box will be displayed at the left bottom side of the screen allowing data to be found in the current message set being displayed.

The fields in the Find dialog box are as follows:

  • Find Element or Tag: Select the name of an element or a tag in a message to search for. If the current view is tag view, the label next to this field will be Find Tag; otherwise, if element view, the label will be Find Element. In both cases, a dropdown list will be present which will allow you to select any of the possible tag or element names within the current context to search for. The current context refers to the selected node in the tree view, or, if no node is selected, the entire message.
  • Find Value: Enter the name of a value in ASN.1 value notation to search for. For example, an occurrence of the integer value "123". (Note: value refers to the value in decoded form; not in the encoded form stored within the message).

Note that if both element/tag and value are entered, a logical "and" of the two fields is done (i.e the search is for matching value only within elements with the given tag or name).

The controls in the dialog are as follows:

  • Next / Previous: These allow you to search forward or backward in the message respectively.
  • Highlight All: This option will highlight all occurences of the selected element and/or value within the current search context.
  • Case Sensitive: Allows for a case sensitive search of value date. By default, the search in not case sensitive.
  • Whole Words Only: Matches whole words within values only. By default, it the value text is found in any part of a longer string, it is considered a match.
  • Regular Expression: Indicates the text in the value field is a regular expression.
  • Current Level: Matches items at only the current level (i.e column of the selected node) within the message.

The search start position is from the last item that was selected in a message. To ensure a search starts from the top, the user should select the "ASN.1 Message" item that appears as the first item in the tree view:


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