Object Identifier Value Specification

Object identifier values result in a structure being populated in the C or C++ source file.

ASN.1 production:

   <name> OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= <value>

Generated code:

   ASN1OBJID <name> = <value>;

For example, consider the following declaration:

oid OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccitt b(5) 10 }

This would result in the following definition in the C or C++ source file:

   ASN1OBJID oid = {
      3, { 0, 5, 10 }
   } ;

To populate a variable in a generated structure with this value, the rtSetOID utility function can be used (see the C/C++ Run-Time Library Reference Manual for a full description of this function). In addition, the C++ base type for this construct (ASN1TObjId) contains constructors and assignment operators that allow direct assignment of values in this form to the target variable.