Generated C# Method Format and Calling Parameters

The signature for a C# PER decode method is as follows:\

   public override void Decode (Asn1PerDecodeBuffer buffer)

The buffer argument is a reference of an Asn1PerDecodeBuffer object that describes the message that is being decoded. This must be created and initialized before calling any decode method. See the description of this class in the C# Run- Time Classes section for details on how this class is used.

The decode method returns no result. Unlike the C/C++ version, a negative status value is not returned to indicate a failure. That is handled by the exception mechanism. All ASN1C C# exceptions are derived from the Asn1Exception base class. See the section on exceptions for a complete list and description of the various ASN.1 exceptions that can be thrown. The System.Exception that can be thrown is in the read method within the decode buffer base class. This method attempts to read data from an input stream using the methods in the System.IO.Stream class.