Built-in Compact Memory Management

A built-in version of the simple memory management API described above (i.e with direct calls to malloc, free, etc.) is available for users who have the source code version of the run-time. The only difference in this API with what is described above is that tracking of allocated memory is done through the context. This makes it possible to provide an implementation of the rtxMemHeapFreeAll function as described above. This memory management scheme is slower than the default manager (i.e. nibble-based), but has a smaller code footprint.

This form of memory management is enabled by defining the _MEMCOMPACT C compile time setting. This can be done by either adding -D_MEMCOMPACT to the C compiler command-line arguments, or by uncommenting this item at the beginning of the rtxMemory.h header file:

 * Uncomment this definition before building the C or C++ run-time 
 * libraries to enable compact memory management.  This will have a 
 * smaller code footprint than the standard memory management; however, 
 * the performance may not be as good.
/*#define _MEMCOMPACT*/