Data Member Generation

For each of the following ASN.1 CLASS fields, a corresponding member variable is generated in the Java class definition:

For a value field:

   public <TypeName> <FieldName>;

For a type field:

   public Asn1Type <FieldName>;

For an information object field:

   public <ClassName> <FieldName>;

For an information object set field:

public <ClassName> <FieldName>;

<FieldName> is replaced with the name of the field.
<TypeName> is replaced with the generated runtime Java classname for the ASN.1 Type.
<ClassName> is replaced with the name of the information object class.

For a type field definition, an element with type Asn1Type is generated which is the base class for all types in the Java runtime package. A type field can hold a value of any type.