Chapter 1. Overview of ASN1C for Go

The ASN1C code generation tool translates an Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) or XML Schema Definitions (XSD) source file into computer language source files that allow typed data to be encoded/decoded. This release of ASN1C includes options to generate code in the following languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Python, or Go. This manual discusses the Go code generation capabilities. The following manuals discuss the other language code generation capabilities:

Each ASN.1 module that is encountered in an ASN.1 schema source file results in the generation of a Go source file. The name of the file is the ASN.1 module name, with hyphens removed and changed to camel-case, and an extension of '.go'.

There is also a set of functions that form the run-time component of the Go package. These functions provide primitive component building blocks that are assembled by the compiler to encode/decode complex structures. They also provide support for managing message buffers that hold the encoded message components.

This release of the ASN1C Compiler for Go works with the version of ASN.1 specified in ITU-T international standards X.680 through X.683. It generates code for encoding/decoding data in accordance with the following encoding rules:

ASN1C for Go is capable of parsing all ASN.1 syntax as defined in the standards. It is capable of parsing advanced syntax including Information Object Specifications as defined in ITU-T X.681 as well as Parameterized Types as defined in ITU-T X.683.