Command-line Options

Invoking asn2csv will show a usage message that contains the command-line options. The usage statement should look like this:

   ASN2CSV, Version 2.1.x
   ASN.1 to CSV translation tool
   Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Objective Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   Usage: asn2csv <filename> options
       <filename>                ASN.1 message file name
       -schema <filename>        ASN.1 definition file name(s)
       -pdu <typename>           Message PDU type name
       -o <filename>             Output XML filename
       -nobcd                       Disable BCD conversion
       -noopentype                  Disable automatic open type decoding
       -paddingbyte <hexbyte>    Additional padding byte
       -rootElement <element>    Root Element Name
       -bitsfmt <hex|bin>        BIT STRING content output format
       -inputFileType <binary|hextext|base64>
                                 Format of data in input file
       -s <separator>            Field separator
       -minLevel <num>           Set the minimum output depth
       -maxLevel <num>           Set the maximum output depth         
       -q                           Turn off all output except errors

The following table summarizes the command-line options. Required elements are listed first.

Option Arguments Description
<filename>   <filename> is the name of the input BER-encoded message data to be decoded. This element is required.
-schema <filename> This option is required. Us must specify a schema to apply to the input message. ASN2CSV converts the input schema items into a set of named columns and cannot name the columns without an input specification.
-bitsfmt <hex | bin> -bitsfmt may be used to specify how BIT STRING items are formatted. By default they are expressed as hexadecimal strings; use bin to express them as binary strings instead.
-inputFileType <binary | hextext | base64> -inputFileType may be used to tell ASN2CSV how the input data are formatted. By default ASN2CSV will assume that the input data are binary, but it can also decode hexadecimal or base64 encoded data. Whitespace in the input is ignored when hextext is specified.
-maxLevel <level> By default, all entries will be dumped to the output file. Deeply-nested types may result in excessive output, however. The -maxLevel switch causes ASN2CSV to stop outputting data after <level> levels have been processed.
-minLevel <level> Similar to the -maxLevel option, the -minLevel option will cause ASN2CSV to skip outputting top-level data types <level> levels deep.
-nobcd   This option disables the conversion of BCD data types in the output. It is used for the common TBCD-String data type. TBCD digits are encoded in swapped byte order and use a 0xf digit to terminate the string. When this option is selected, the input data are treated as OCTET STRINGs.
-noopentype   This option disables the conversion of open types in the CSV output. Typically
-paddingbyte <hexbyte> <hexbyte> is the hexadecimal value of a padding byte that may appear in the input message. Call data records (CDRs) are commonly continuously dumped to files by telephony equipment. If no information is available, the records are padding, normally by 0x00 or 0xFF bytes. The default padding byte is 0x00. <hexbyte> may be formatted with or without a 0x prefix.
-pdu <typename> <typename> is the name of the PDU data type to be decoded. This option is necessary when the top-level data type is ambiguous.
-q   This option causes ASN2CSV to operate in a "quiet" mode more suitable for batch processes. Informational messages are limited and only error output will be reported.
-s <separator> By default, ASN2CSV assumes the record separator will be a comma. When this conflicts with output data (for example, a field may consist of City, State), users may use the -s switch to specify a different separator such as a tab or pipe. Enclosing the separator in quotation marks is necessary when using a tab or other whitespace character.