Uses of Interface

Uses of Asn1NamedEventHandler in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Classes in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime that implement Asn1NamedEventHandler
 class Asn1ElementTracker
          Maintains an element stack so that a full name for the current element can be obtained.
 class Asn1NamedEventDispatcher
 class Asn1TraceHandler
          This class is a standard named event handler for printing the data in an encoded message in a human-readable format.

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime with parameters of type Asn1NamedEventHandler
 void Asn1MessageBuffer.addNamedEventHandler(Asn1NamedEventHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Use getContext().eventDispatcher.addNamedEventHandler
 void Asn1NamedEventDispatcher.addNamedEventHandler(Asn1NamedEventHandler handler)
          This method adds a named event handler to the named event handler list