Uses of Class

Uses of Asn1Tag in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Fields in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime declared as Asn1Tag
static Asn1Tag Asn1Tag.ENUM
          ASN.1 ENUMERATED type tag value
static Asn1Tag Asn1Tag.EOC
          ASN.1 end-of-contents (EOC) type tag value
protected  Asn1Tag Asn1BerDecodeContext.mTagHolder
          This variable holds the current parsed tag for matching operations.
static Asn1Tag Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE
          ASN.1 SEQUENCE type tag value
static Asn1Tag Asn1Tag.SET
          ASN.1 SET type tag value
static Asn1Tag Asn1BitString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 3).
static Asn1Tag Asn1BMPString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 30).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Boolean.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 1).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Date.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 31).
static Asn1Tag Asn1DateTime.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 33).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Duration.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 34).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Enumerated.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 10).
static Asn1Tag Asn1GeneralizedTime.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 24).
static Asn1Tag Asn1GeneralString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 27).
static Asn1Tag Asn1GraphicString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 25).
static Asn1Tag Asn1IA5String.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 22).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Integer.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 2).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Null.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 5).
static Asn1Tag Asn1NumericString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 18).
static Asn1Tag Asn1ObjectDescriptor.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 7).
static Asn1Tag Asn1ObjectIdentifier.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 6).
static Asn1Tag Asn1OctetString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 4).
static Asn1Tag Asn1OID_IRI.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 35).
static Asn1Tag Asn1PrintableString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 19).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Real.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 9).
static Asn1Tag Asn1Real10.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 9).
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 36).
static Asn1Tag Asn1RelativeOID.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 13).
static Asn1Tag Asn1T61String.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 20).
static Asn1Tag Asn1TimeOfDay.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 32).
static Asn1Tag Asn1UniversalString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 28).
static Asn1Tag Asn1UTCTime.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 23).
static Asn1Tag Asn1UTF8String.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 12).
static Asn1Tag Asn1VideotexString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 21).
static Asn1Tag Asn1VisibleString.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 26).
static Asn1Tag Asn1X694OrderElement.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 10).
static Asn1Tag Asn1BigInteger.TAG
          The TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 2).
static Asn1Tag Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1EmbeddedPDV.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1External.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XerExternal.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.TAG
static Asn1Tag Asn1XmlExternal.TAG

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime that return Asn1Tag
 Asn1Tag Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.getLastTag()
          This method will return the last tag parsed within this decode buffer object.
protected  Asn1Tag Asn1OID_IRI.getTag()
          Allows subclass to use a different tag by overriding this method.
protected  Asn1Tag Asn1RELATIVE_OID_IRI.getTag()
          Allows subclass to use a different tag by overriding this method.
 Asn1Tag Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.peekTag()
          This overloaded version of the peekTag method will return a reference to a newly created tag object.

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime with parameters of type Asn1Tag
 void Asn1BerDecodeContext.addTag(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method adds a tag to the history.
static java.lang.String Asn1UTF8String.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag explicitTag, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 UTF-8 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
protected  void Asn1CharString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 character string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
protected  void Asn1Time.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 character string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 int Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.decodeEnumValue(Asn1Tag tag, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an enumerated value from the buffer.
 void Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.decodeTag(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes a tag value.
 int Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.decodeTagAndLength(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes a tag and length value.
static int Asn1UTF8String.encode(Asn1BerEncodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag explicitTag, java.lang.String value)
          This method encodes a ASN.1 UTF8String.
protected  int Asn1CharString.encode(Asn1BerEncodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes ASN.1 8-bit character string types including IA5String, PrintableString, NumericString, etc.
protected  int Asn1Time.encode(Asn1BerEncodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes ASN.1 time string type.
static void Asn1UTF8String.encode(Asn1BerOutputStream out, Asn1Tag explicitTag, java.lang.String value)
          This method encodes the given string using the BER encoding rules for UTF8String, including the given tag, if provided.
 void Asn1Time.encode(Asn1BerOutputStream out, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes to the stream an ASN.1 time string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeBitString(byte[] value, int numbits, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of bytes as bit string value.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeBitString(byte[] value, int numbits, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of bytes as bit string value.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeBMPString(java.lang.String value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given string as BMP string value.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeBMPString(java.lang.String value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given string as BMP string value.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeCharString(java.lang.String value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes to the stream an ASN.1 8-bit character string types including IA5String, PrintableString, NumericString, etc.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeCharString(java.lang.String value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes to the stream an ASN.1 8-bit character string types including IA5String, PrintableString, NumericString, etc.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeOctetString(byte[] value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of bytes as octet string value.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeOctetString(byte[] value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of bytes as octet string value.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeStringTag(int nbytes, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes both a tag and length value to the stream.
 int Asn1BerEncodeBuffer.encodeTag(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes a tag value.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeTag(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes a tag value to the stream.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeTagAndIndefLen(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method encodes and writes both a tag and an indefinite length indicator to the stream.
 int Asn1BerEncodeBuffer.encodeTagAndLength(Asn1Tag tag, int len)
          This method encodes both a tag and length value.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeTagAndLength(Asn1Tag tag, int len)
          This method encodes and writes both a tag and length value to the stream.
 void Asn1BerOutputStream.encodeUnivString(int[] value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of integers as UniversalString value.
 void Asn1CerOutputStream.encodeUnivString(int[] value, boolean explicit, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method writes the given array of integers as UniversalString value.
 void Asn1BerMessageDumpHandler.endElement(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method is invoked after parsing is complete on each tag/length/value (TLV) in the message.
 void Asn1TaggedEventHandler.endElement(Asn1Tag tag)
          The endElement callback method is invoked when the end of a tagged element is parsed.
 boolean Asn1BerDecodeContext.hasDecoded(Asn1Tag tag)
          This method checks to see whether a tag has been already decoded.
 boolean Asn1BerDecodeContext.matchElemTag(Asn1Tag tag, IntHolder parsedLen, boolean advance)
          This method will attempt to match the next element tag in a constructed type with the expected value.
protected static int Asn1Type.matchTag(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method will compare the next parsed tag with the given tag value.
 boolean Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.matchTag(Asn1Tag tag)
          This overloaded version of matchTag will just test for a match and not return parsed tag and length values
 boolean Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.matchTag(Asn1Tag tag, Asn1Tag parsedTag, IntHolder parsedLen)
          This overloaded version of matchTag allows the tag value to be matched to be passed using an Asn1Tag object.
 boolean Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.matchTag(short tagClass, short tagForm, int tagIDCode, Asn1Tag parsedTag, IntHolder parsedLen)
          This method decodes the next tag value and checks for a match with the given tag value.
 void Asn1BerDecodeBuffer.peekTag(Asn1Tag parsedTag)
          This method will parse and return the next tag in the decode stream without advancing the decode cursor.
 void Asn1BerMessageDumpHandler.startElement(Asn1Tag tag, int len, byte[] tagLenBytes)
          This method is invoked after each tag/length value is parsed in the message being dumped.
 void Asn1TaggedEventHandler.startElement(Asn1Tag tag, int len, byte[] tagLenBytes)
          The startElement callback method is invoked when the start of any tagged element is parsed.

Constructors in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime with parameters of type Asn1Tag
Asn1InvalidChoiceOptionException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the invalid element..
Asn1NotInSetException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the duplicate element.
Asn1SetDuplicateException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the duplicate element..
Asn1Tag(Asn1Tag _tag)
          The copy constructor initializes all fields to those from the given tag parameter.
Asn1TagMatchFailedException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag expectedTag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing only the expected tag value.
Asn1TagMatchFailedException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag expectedTag, Asn1Tag parsedTag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the expected and parsed tag values..