Uses of Class

Uses of Asn1VarWidthCharString in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Subclasses of Asn1VarWidthCharString in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime
 class Asn1GeneralString
          This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 general string value.
 class Asn1GraphicString
          This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 graphic string value.
 class Asn1ObjectDescriptor
          This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 object descriptor value.
 class Asn1T61String
          This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 teletex (T61) string value.
 class Asn1VideotexString
          This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 videotex string value.