Class Asn1XerOpenType

  extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1Type
      extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OctetString
          extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OpenType
              extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1XerOpenType
All Implemented Interfaces:
Asn1TypeIF,, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable

Deprecated. Use Asn1OpenType instead. You can use the constructors where you specify the encoding, and specify XER if you are populating with byte data that is a UTF-8 XML encoding of the actual value.

public class Asn1XerOpenType
extends Asn1OpenType

This is a container class for holding the an ASN.1 open type value. This is a special version of the class that is only generated for the XER/XML encoding rules. The data held in objects of this type should be UTF-8 encoded XML

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OpenType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OpenType
BER, dataEncoding, EDATAMSG, JSON, mEncodeBuffer, mLength, PER, UNKNOWN, XER
Fields inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OctetString
TAG, value
Fields inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1Type
BIT_STRING, BMPString, BOOLEAN, DATE, DATE_TIME, DURATION, ENUMERATED, EOC, EXTERNAL, GeneralString, GeneralTime, GraphicString, IA5String, INTEGER, NULL, NumericString, OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ObjectDescriptor, OCTET_STRING, OID_IRI, OpenType, PrintableString, REAL, RELATIVE_OID_IRI, RelativeOID, SEQUENCE, SET, T61String, TeletexString, TIME, TIME_OF_DAY, UniversalString, UTCTime, UTF8String, VideotexString, VisibleString
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. This constructor creates an empty type that can be used in a decode method call to receive an encoded value.
Asn1XerOpenType(Asn1EncodeBuffer buffer)
Asn1XerOpenType(byte[] data)
          Deprecated. This constructor initializes an open type from the given byte array.
Asn1XerOpenType(byte[] data, int offset, int nbytes)
          Deprecated. This constructor initializes the open type from a portion of the given byte array.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OpenType
decode, decode, decode, decodeExtension, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encodeAsExtension, encodeAsExtension, encodeAsExtension, getCharData, getDataEncoding, getSaxHandler, getSaxHandler, setBinaryData, setCharData, setCharData, toString
Methods inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1OctetString
compareTo, decode, decode, decode, decodeXER, decodeXML, encode, encode, encode, encode, encode, encodeAttribute, encodeBase64Binary, equals, equals, getLength, getMderLength, hashCode, toInputStream
Methods inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1Type
clone, decode, decode, decode, decode, decode, encode, equals, getTypeName, indent, isOpenType, matchTag, matchTag, pdiag, print, setKey, setOpenType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Asn1XerOpenType()
This constructor creates an empty type that can be used in a decode method call to receive an encoded value.


public Asn1XerOpenType(byte[] data)
This constructor initializes an open type from the given byte array. The array is assumed to contain a previously encoded message component. The data is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded XML. It should represent an XML encoding of the actual type.

data - Byte array containing a previously encoded value.


public Asn1XerOpenType(byte[] data,
                       int offset,
                       int nbytes)
This constructor initializes the open type from a portion of the given byte array. A new byte array is created starting at the given offset and consisting of the given number of bytes. The data is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded XML. It should represent an XML encoding of the actual type.

data - Byte array containing a previously encoded value.
offset - Starting offset in data from which to copy bytes
nbytes - Number of bytes to copy from target array


public Asn1XerOpenType(Asn1EncodeBuffer buffer)
buffer -
See Also: