Objective Systems, Inc.  

H.245 Message Handling

Data Structures

struct  H245Message
 Defines the H.245 message structure. More...


EXTERN int ooCreateH245Message (H245Message **msg, int type)
 Creates an outgoing H245 message of the type specified by the type argument for the Application context.
EXTERN int ooFreeH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg)
 Frees up the memory used by the H245 message.
EXTERN int ooSendH245Msg (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *msg)
 This function is used to enqueue an H.245 message into an outgoing queue for the call.
EXTERN int ooGetOutgoingH245Msgbuf (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, int *len, int *msgType)
 This function is used to retrieve an H.245 message enqueued in the outgoing queue.
EXTERN int ooSendTermCapMsg (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send out a terminal capability set message.
EXTERN ASN1UINT ooGenerateStatusDeterminationNumber ()
 This function is used to generate a random status determination number for MSD procedure.
EXTERN int ooHandleMasterSlave (struct OOH323CallData *call, void *pmsg, int msgType)
 This fuction is used to handle received MasterSlaveDetermination procedure messages.
EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDetermination (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send MSD message.
EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, char *status)
 This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationAck message.
EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationReject (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationReject message.
EXTERN int ooHandleMasterSlaveReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245MasterSlaveDeterminationReject *reject)
 This function is used to handle MasterSlaveReject message.
EXTERN int ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc)
 This function is used to handle received OpenLogicalChannel message.
EXTERN int ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel_helper (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc)
 This is a helper function used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannel message.
int ooSendOpenLogicalChannelReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1UINT channelNum, ASN1UINT cause)
 This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannelReject message.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannelAck *olcAck)
 This function is used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannelAck message.
int ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelRejected (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannelReject *olcRejected)
 This function is used to handle the received OpenLogicalChannelReject message.
EXTERN int ooSendEndSessionCommand (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This message is used to send an EndSession command.
EXTERN int ooHandleH245Command (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CommandMessage *command)
 This function is used to handle a received H245Command message.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedUserInputIndication (OOH323CallData *call, H245UserInputIndication *indication)
 This function is used to handle a received UserInput Indication message.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySetAck (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is called on receiving a TreminalCapabilitySetAck message.
EXTERN int ooCloseAllLogicalChannels (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is called to close all the open logical channels.
EXTERN int ooSendCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooLogicalChannel *logicalChan)
 This function is used to send out a CloseLogicalChannel message for a particular logical channel.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CloseLogicalChannel *clc)
 This function is used to process a received closeLogicalChannel request.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedCloseChannelAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CloseLogicalChannelAck *clcAck)
 This function is used to process a received CloseLogicalChannelAck message.
EXTERN int ooHandleH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg)
 This function is used to handle received H245 message.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySet (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg)
 This function is used to process received TCS message.
EXTERN int ooH245AcknowledgeTerminalCapabilitySet (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send a TCSAck message to remote endpoint.
EXTERN int ooOpenLogicalChannels (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to start OpenLogicalChannel procedure for all the channels to be opened for the call.
EXTERN int ooOpenLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, enum OOCapType capType)
 This function is used to send OpenLogicalChannel message for audio/video channel.
EXTERN int ooOpenChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooH323EpCapability *epCap)
 This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannel message using capability passed as parameter.
EXTERN int ooSendH245UserInputIndication_alphanumeric (OOH323CallData *call, const char *data)
 This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating alphanumeric string.
EXTERN int ooSendH245UserInputIndication_signal (OOH323CallData *call, const char *data)
 This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating dtmf signal type.
EXTERN int ooSendRequestCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooLogicalChannel *logicalChan)
 This function is used to request a remote end point to close a logical channel.
int ooSendRequestChannelCloseRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call, int channelNum)
 This function is used to send a RequestChannelCloseRelease message when the corresponding timer has expired.
EXTERN int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelClose (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelClose *rclc)
 This function handles the received RequestChannelClose message, verifies that the requested channel is forward channel.
int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelCloseReject *rccReject)
 This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseReject response message.
int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelCloseAck *rccAck)
 This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseAck response message.
EXTERN int ooBuildFastStartOLC (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc, ooH323EpCapability *epCap, OOCTXT *pctxt, int dir)
 Builds an OLC for faststart with an audio/video capability passed as parameter.
EXTERN int ooPrepareFastStartResponseOLC (OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc, ooH323EpCapability *epCap, OOCTXT *pctxt, int dir)
 Prepares a faststart response olc from the olc received in SETUP message.
EXTERN int ooEncodeH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *ph245Msg, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, size_t size)
 This function is used to encode an H245 message and return encoded data into the buffer passed as a parameter to the function.
int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send a master-slave determination release message.
int ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, int seqNo, ASN1UINT cause)
 This function is used to send a terminal capability set reject message to the remote endpoint.
int ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call)
 This function is used to send a TerminalCapabilitySetRelease message after capability exchange timer has expired.
int ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress (OOH323CallData *call, H245TransportAddress *h245Address, char *ip, int *port)
 This is an helper function used to extract ip address and port info from H245TransportAddress structure.
int ooMSDTimerExpired (void *data)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired master-slave determination timer.
int ooTCSTimerExpired (void *data)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired capability exchange timer.
int ooOpenLogicalChannelTimerExpired (void *pdata)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired OpenLogicalChannel timer.
int ooCloseLogicalChannelTimerExpired (void *pdata)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired CloseLogicalChannel timer.
int ooRequestChannelCloseTimerExpired (void *pdata)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired RequestChannelClose timer.
int ooSessionTimerExpired (void *pdata)
 This is a callback function for handling an expired EndSession timer.

Function Documentation

EXTERN int ooCreateH245Message ( H245Message **  msg,
int  type 

Creates an outgoing H245 message of the type specified by the type argument for the Application context.

msg A pointer to pointer to message which will be assigned to allocated memory.
type Type of the message to be created. (Request/Response/Command/Indication)
Completion status of operation: 0 (OO_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooFreeH245Message ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245Message pmsg 

Frees up the memory used by the H245 message.

call Handle to the call
pmsg Pointer to an H245 message structure.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooSendH245Msg ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245Message msg 

This function is used to enqueue an H.245 message into an outgoing queue for the call.

call Pointer to call for which message has to be enqueued.
msg Pointer to the H.245 message to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooGetOutgoingH245Msgbuf ( struct OOH323CallData call,
ASN1OCTET msgbuf,
int *  len,
int *  msgType 

This function is used to retrieve an H.245 message enqueued in the outgoing queue.

call Pointer to the call for which message has to be retrieved.
msgbuf Pointer to a buffer in which the message will be returned.
len Pointer to an int variable which will contain length of the message data after returning.
msgType Pointer to an int variable, which will contain message type on return from the function.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendTermCapMsg ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send out a terminal capability set message.

call Pointer to a call for which TerminalCapabilitySet message will be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN ASN1UINT ooGenerateStatusDeterminationNumber (  ) 

This function is used to generate a random status determination number for MSD procedure.

Generated status determination number.

EXTERN int ooHandleMasterSlave ( struct OOH323CallData call,
void *  pmsg,
int  msgType 

This fuction is used to handle received MasterSlaveDetermination procedure messages.

call Pointer to the call for which a message is received.
pmsg Pointer to MSD message
msgType Message type indicating whether received message is MSD, MSDAck, MSDReject etc...
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDetermination ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send MSD message.

call Pointer to call for which MasterSlaveDetermination has to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationAck ( struct OOH323CallData call,
char *  status 

This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationAck message.

call Pointer to call for which MasterSlaveDeterminationAck has to be sent.
status Result of the determination process(Master/Slave as it applies to remote endpoint)
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationReject ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationReject message.

call Pointer to call for which message is to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooHandleMasterSlaveReject ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245MasterSlaveDeterminationReject *  reject 

This function is used to handle MasterSlaveReject message.

If number of retries is less than max allowed, then it restarts the MasterSlaveDetermination procedure.

call Handle to the call for which MasterSlaveReject is received.
reject Poinetr to the received reject message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannel *  olc 

This function is used to handle received OpenLogicalChannel message.

call Pointer to call for which OpenLogicalChannel message is received.
olc Pointer to the received OpenLogicalChannel message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel_helper ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannel *  olc 

This is a helper function used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannel message.

It builds an OpenLogicalChannelAck message and sends it.

call Pointer to cll for which OLC was received.
olc The received OpenLogicalChannel message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooSendOpenLogicalChannelReject ( struct OOH323CallData call,
ASN1UINT  channelNum,
ASN1UINT  cause 

This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannelReject message.

call Pointer to call for which OLCReject has to be sent.
channelNum LogicalChannelNumber to be rejected.
cause Cause of rejection.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelAck ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannelAck *  olcAck 

This function is used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannelAck message.

call Pointer to call for which OLCAck is received
olcAck Pointer to received olcAck message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelRejected ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannelReject *  olcRejected 

This function is used to handle the received OpenLogicalChannelReject message.

call Handle to the call for which the message is received.
olcRejected Pointer to received OpenLogicalChannelReject message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendEndSessionCommand ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This message is used to send an EndSession command.

It builds a EndSession command message and queues it into the calls outgoing queue.

call Pointer to call for which EndSession command has to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooHandleH245Command ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245CommandMessage *  command 

This function is used to handle a received H245Command message.

call Pointer to call for which an H245Command is received.
command Pointer to a command message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedUserInputIndication ( OOH323CallData call,
H245UserInputIndication *  indication 

This function is used to handle a received UserInput Indication message.

It extracts the dtmf received through user-input message and calls endpoints onReceivedDTMF callback function, if such a function is registered by the endpoint.

call Handle to the call for which user-input indication message is received.
indication Handle to the received user-input indication message.
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySetAck ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is called on receiving a TreminalCapabilitySetAck message.

If the MasterSlaveDetermination process is also over, this function initiates the process of opening logical channels.

call Pointer to call for which TCSAck is received.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooCloseAllLogicalChannels ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is called to close all the open logical channels.

It sends CloseLogicalChannel message for all the forward channels and sends RequestCloseLogicalChannel message for all the reverse channels.

call Pointer to call for which logical channels have to be closed.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendCloseLogicalChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
ooLogicalChannel *  logicalChan 

This function is used to send out a CloseLogicalChannel message for a particular logical channel.

call Pointer to a call, to which logical channel to be closed belongs.
logicalChan Pointer to the logical channel to be closed.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedCloseLogicalChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245CloseLogicalChannel *  clc 

This function is used to process a received closeLogicalChannel request.

It closes the logical channel and removes the logical channel entry from the list. It also, sends closeLogicalChannelAck message to the remote endpoint.

call Pointer to call for which CloseLogicalChannel message is received.
clc Pointer to received CloseLogicalChannel message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedCloseChannelAck ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245CloseLogicalChannelAck *  clcAck 

This function is used to process a received CloseLogicalChannelAck message.

It closes the channel and removes it from the list of active logical channels.

call Pointer to call for which CLCAck message is received.
clcAck Pointer to the received CloseLogicalChannelAck message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooHandleH245Message ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245Message pmsg 

This function is used to handle received H245 message.

Based on the type of message received, it calls helper functions to process those messages.

call Pointer to call for which a message is received.
pmsg Pointer to the received H245 message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySet ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245Message pmsg 

This function is used to process received TCS message.

It builds TCSAck message and queues it into the calls outgoing queue. Also, starts Logical channel opening procedure if TCS and MSD procedures have finished.

call Pointer to call for which TCS is received.
pmsg Pointer to the received message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH245AcknowledgeTerminalCapabilitySet ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send a TCSAck message to remote endpoint.

call Pointer to call on which TCSAck has to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOpenLogicalChannels ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to start OpenLogicalChannel procedure for all the channels to be opened for the call.

call Pointer to call for which logical channels have to be opened.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOpenLogicalChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
enum OOCapType  capType 

This function is used to send OpenLogicalChannel message for audio/video channel.

call Pointer to call for which channel has to be opened.
capType Type of media channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooOpenChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
ooH323EpCapability epCap 

This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannel message using capability passed as parameter.

call Pointer to call for which OpenLogicalChannel message has to be built.
epCap Pointer to capability
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendH245UserInputIndication_alphanumeric ( OOH323CallData call,
const char *  data 

This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating alphanumeric string.

call Handle to the call for which dtmf has to be sent.
data DTMF data
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendH245UserInputIndication_signal ( OOH323CallData call,
const char *  data 

This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating dtmf signal type.

call Handle to the call for which dtmf has to be sent.
data DTMF data
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooSendRequestCloseLogicalChannel ( struct OOH323CallData call,
ooLogicalChannel *  logicalChan 

This function is used to request a remote end point to close a logical channel.

call Pointer to call for which the logical channel has to be closed.
logicalChan Pointer to the logical channel structure which needs to be closed.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooSendRequestChannelCloseRelease ( struct OOH323CallData call,
int  channelNum 

This function is used to send a RequestChannelCloseRelease message when the corresponding timer has expired.

call Handle to the call
channelNum Channel number.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

EXTERN int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelClose ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245RequestChannelClose *  rclc 

This function handles the received RequestChannelClose message, verifies that the requested channel is forward channel.

It sends an acknowledgement for the message followed by CloseLogicalChannel message.

call Pointer to the call for which RequestChannelClose is received.
rclc Pointer to the received message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseReject ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245RequestChannelCloseReject *  rccReject 

This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseReject response message.

call Handle to the call.
rccReject Pointer to the received reject response message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseAck ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245RequestChannelCloseAck *  rccAck 

This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseAck response message.

call Handle to the call.
rccAck Pointer to the received ack response message.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooBuildFastStartOLC ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannel *  olc,
ooH323EpCapability epCap,
OOCTXT pctxt,
int  dir 

Builds an OLC for faststart with an audio/video capability passed as parameter.

call Handle to call for which OLC has to be built.
olc Pointer to an OLC structure which will be populated.
epCap Pointer to the capability which will be used to build OLC.
pctxt Pointer to an OOCTXT structure which will be used to allocate additional memory for OLC.
dir Direction of OLC
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooPrepareFastStartResponseOLC ( OOH323CallData call,
H245OpenLogicalChannel *  olc,
ooH323EpCapability epCap,
OOCTXT pctxt,
int  dir 

Prepares a faststart response olc from the olc received in SETUP message.

This function just changes the mediaChannel and mediaControl channel part of the olc received in SETUP.

call Handle to call for which OLC has to be built.
olc Pointer to an received OLC structure.
epCap Pointer to the capability which will be used for this channel.
pctxt Pointer to an OOCTXT structure which will be used to allocate additional memory for OLC.
dir Direction of channel OORX, OOTX etc.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooEncodeH245Message ( struct OOH323CallData call,
H245Message ph245Msg,
ASN1OCTET msgbuf,
size_t  size 

This function is used to encode an H245 message and return encoded data into the buffer passed as a parameter to the function.

call Handle to the call
ph245Msg Handle to the message to be encoded.
msgbuf buffer in which encoded message will be returned.
size Size of the buffer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

int ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationRelease ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send a master-slave determination release message.

call Handle to call, for which MSDRelease message has to be sent.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetReject ( struct OOH323CallData call,
int  seqNo,
ASN1UINT  cause 

This function is used to send a terminal capability set reject message to the remote endpoint.

call Handle to the call for which reject message has to be sent.
seqNo Sequence number of the TCS message to be rejected.
cause Cause for rejecting a TCS message.
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetRelease ( struct OOH323CallData call  ) 

This function is used to send a TerminalCapabilitySetRelease message after capability exchange timer has expired.

call Handle to call for which release message has to be sent.
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress ( OOH323CallData call,
H245TransportAddress *  h245Address,
char *  ip,
int *  port 

This is an helper function used to extract ip address and port info from H245TransportAddress structure.

call Handle to associated call.
h245Address Handle to H245TransportAddress structure from which information has to be extracted.
ip Pointer to buffer in which ip address will be returned. Make sure that buffer has sufficient length.
port Pointer to integer in which port number will be returned.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

int ooMSDTimerExpired ( void *  data  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired master-slave determination timer.

data Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooTCSTimerExpired ( void *  data  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired capability exchange timer.

data Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooOpenLogicalChannelTimerExpired ( void *  pdata  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired OpenLogicalChannel timer.

pdata Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooCloseLogicalChannelTimerExpired ( void *  pdata  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired CloseLogicalChannel timer.

pdata Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooRequestChannelCloseTimerExpired ( void *  pdata  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired RequestChannelClose timer.

pdata Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

int ooSessionTimerExpired ( void *  pdata  ) 

This is a callback function for handling an expired EndSession timer.

pdata Callback data registered at the time of creation of the timer.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

This file was last modified on 28 May 2010.
Objective Open H.323 Stack, 0.9.1