Objective Systems, Inc.  

H323 Endpoint management functions

Data Structures

struct  OOH323Ports
 This structure is used to define the port ranges to be used by the application. More...
struct  OOH323EndPoint
 Structure to store all configuration information related to the endpoint created by an application. More...


#define TCPPORTSSTART   12030
#define TCPPORTSEND   12230
#define UDPPORTSSTART   13030
#define UDPPORTSEND   13230
#define RTPPORTSSTART   14030
#define RTPPORTSEND   14230
#define ooEndPoint   OOH323EndPoint


EXTERN int ooH323EpInitialize (enum OOCallMode callMode, const char *tracefile)
 This function is the first function to be invoked before using stack.
EXTERN int ooH323EpApplyConfig (const OOConfigFile *pconfig)
 This function applies configuration parameters to the global H.323 endpoint variable.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetAsGateway ()
 This function is used to represent the H.323 application endpoint as gateway, instead of an H.323 phone endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetLocalAddress (const char *localip, int listenport)
 This function is used to assign a local ip address to be used for call signalling.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetTCPPortRange (int base, int max)
 This function is used to set the range of tcp ports the application will use for tcp transport.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetUDPPortRange (int base, int max)
 This function is used to set the range of udp ports the application will use for udp transport.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetRTPPortRange (int base, int max)
 This function is used to set the range of rtp ports the application will use for media streams.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetTraceLevel (int traceLevel)
 This function is used to set the trace level for the H.323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasH323ID (const char *h323id)
 This function is used to add the h323id alias for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasDialedDigits (const char *dialedDigits)
 This function is used to add the dialed digits alias for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasURLID (const char *url)
 This function is used to add the url alias for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasEmailID (const char *email)
 This function is used to add an email id as an alias for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasTransportID (const char *ipaddress)
 This function is used to add an ip address as an alias.
EXTERN int ooH323EpClearAllAliases (void)
 This function is used to clear all the aliases used by the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetH225MsgCallbacks (OOH225MsgCallbacks h225Callbacks)
 This function is used to set the H225 message callbacks for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetH323Callbacks (OOH323CALLBACKS h323Callbacks)
 This function is used to set high level H.323 callbacks for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDestroy (void)
 This function is the last function to be invoked after done using the stack.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableAutoAnswer (void)
 This function is used to enable the auto answer feature for incoming calls.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableAutoAnswer (void)
 This function is used to disable the auto answer feature for incoming calls.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableManualRingback (void)
 This function is used to enable manual ringback.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableManualRingback (void)
 This function is used to disable manual ringback.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableMediaWaitForConnect (void)
 This function is used to enable MediaWaitForConnect.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableMediaWaitForConnect (void)
 This function is used to disable MediaWaitForConnect.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableFastStart (void)
 This function is used to enable faststart.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableFastStart (void)
 This function is used to disable faststart.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableH245Tunneling (void)
 This function is used to enable tunneling.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableH245Tunneling (void)
 This function is used to disable tunneling.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableGkRouted (void)
 This function is used to enable GkRouted calls.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableGkRouted (void)
 This function is used to disable Gkrouted calls.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetProductID (const char *productID)
 This function is used to set the product ID.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetVersionID (const char *versionID)
 This function is used to set version id.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetCallerID (const char *callerID)
 This function is used to set callerid to be used for outbound calls.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetCallingPartyNumber (const char *number)
 This function is used to set calling party number to be used for outbound calls.Note, you can override it for a specific call by using ooCallSetCallingPartyNumber function.
void ooH323EpPrintConfig (void)
 This function is used to print the current configuration information of the H323 endpoint to log file.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG728Capability (int cap, int txframes, int rxframes, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add G728 capability to the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG729Capability (int cap, int txframes, int rxframes, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add G729 capability to the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG7231Capability (int cap, int txframes, int rxframes, OOBOOL silenceSuppression, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add G7231 capability to the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG711Capability (int cap, int txframes, int rxframes, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add G711 capability to the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddGSMCapability (int cap, ASN1USINT framesPerPkt, OOBOOL comfortNoise, OOBOOL scrambled, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add a new GSM capability to the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpAddH263VideoCapability (int cap, unsigned sqcifMPI, unsigned qcifMPI, unsigned cifMPI, unsigned cif4MPI, unsigned cif16MPI, unsigned maxBitRate, int dir, cb_StartReceiveChannel startReceiveChannel, cb_StartTransmitChannel startTransmitChannel, cb_StopReceiveChannel stopReceiveChannel, cb_StopTransmitChannel stopTransmitChannel)
 This function is used to add H263 video capability to the H323 endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFRFC2833 (int dynamicRTPPayloadType)
 This function is used to enable rfc 2833 support for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFRFC2833 (void)
 This function is used to disable rfc 2833 support for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFH245Alphanumeric ()
 This function is used to enable the H245(alphanumeric) dtmf capability for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFH245Alphanumeric ()
 This function is used to disable the H245(alphanumeric) dtmf capability for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFH245Signal ()
 This function is used to enable the H245(signal) dtmf capability for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFH245Signal ()
 This function is used to disable the H245(signal) dtmf capability for the endpoint.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetGkClientCallbacks (OOGKCLIENTCALLBACKS gkClientCallbacks)
 This function is used to add callbacks to the gatekeeper client.
EXTERN int ooH323EpSetBearerCap (const char *configText)
 This function is used to set the bearer capability that will be used to create the Q.931 bearer capability IE.

Define Documentation

#define TCPPORTSSTART   12030

Starting TCP port number

Definition at line 62 of file ooh323ep.h.

#define TCPPORTSEND   12230

Ending TCP port number

Definition at line 63 of file ooh323ep.h.

#define UDPPORTSSTART   13030

Starting UDP port number

Definition at line 64 of file ooh323ep.h.

#define UDPPORTSEND   13230

Ending UDP port number

Definition at line 65 of file ooh323ep.h.

#define RTPPORTSSTART   14030

Starting RTP port number

Definition at line 66 of file ooh323ep.h.

#define RTPPORTSEND   14230

Ending RTP port number

Definition at line 67 of file ooh323ep.h.

Function Documentation

EXTERN int ooH323EpInitialize ( enum OOCallMode  callMode,
const char *  tracefile 

This function is the first function to be invoked before using stack.

It initializes the H323 Endpoint.

callMode Type of calls to be made(audio/video/fax). (OO_CALLMODE_AUDIO, OO_CALLMODE_VIDEO)
tracefile Trace file name.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpApplyConfig ( const OOConfigFile pconfig  ) 

This function applies configuration parameters to the global H.323 endpoint variable.

pconfig Pointer to configuration structure.
OO_OK (0) on success or OO_FAILED on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetAsGateway (  ) 

This function is used to represent the H.323 application endpoint as gateway, instead of an H.323 phone endpoint.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetLocalAddress ( const char *  localip,
int  listenport 

This function is used to assign a local ip address to be used for call signalling.

localip Dotted IP address to be used for call signalling.
listenport Port to be used for listening for incoming calls.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetTCPPortRange ( int  base,
int  max 

This function is used to set the range of tcp ports the application will use for tcp transport.

base Starting port number for the range
max Ending port number for the range.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetUDPPortRange ( int  base,
int  max 

This function is used to set the range of udp ports the application will use for udp transport.

base Starting port number for the range
max Ending port number for the range.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetRTPPortRange ( int  base,
int  max 

This function is used to set the range of rtp ports the application will use for media streams.

base Starting port number for the range
max Ending port number for the range.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetTraceLevel ( int  traceLevel  ) 

This function is used to set the trace level for the H.323 endpoint.

traceLevel Level of tracing.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, otherwise.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasH323ID ( const char *  h323id  ) 

This function is used to add the h323id alias for the endpoint.

h323id H323-ID to be set as alias.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasDialedDigits ( const char *  dialedDigits  ) 

This function is used to add the dialed digits alias for the endpoint.

dialedDigits Dialed-Digits to be set as alias.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasURLID ( const char *  url  ) 

This function is used to add the url alias for the endpoint.

url URL to be set as an alias.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasEmailID ( const char *  email  ) 

This function is used to add an email id as an alias for the endpoint.

email Email id to be set as an alias.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddAliasTransportID ( const char *  ipaddress  ) 

This function is used to add an ip address as an alias.

ipaddress IP address to be set as an alias.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpClearAllAliases ( void   ) 

This function is used to clear all the aliases used by the H323 endpoint.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetH225MsgCallbacks ( OOH225MsgCallbacks  h225Callbacks  ) 

This function is used to set the H225 message callbacks for the endpoint.

h225Callbacks Callback structure containing various callbacks.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetH323Callbacks ( OOH323CALLBACKS  h323Callbacks  ) 

This function is used to set high level H.323 callbacks for the endpoint.

Make sure all unused callbacks in the structure are set to NULL before calling this function.

h323Callbacks Callback structure containing various high level callbacks.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpDestroy ( void   ) 

This function is the last function to be invoked after done using the stack.

It closes the H323 Endpoint for an application, releasing all the associated memory.

OO_OK on success OO_FAILED on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableAutoAnswer ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable the auto answer feature for incoming calls.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableAutoAnswer ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable the auto answer feature for incoming calls.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableManualRingback ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable manual ringback.

By default the stack sends alerting message automatically on behalf of the endpoint application. However, if endpoint application wants to do alerting user part first before sending out alerting message, it can enable this feature.

OO_OK on success, OO_FAILED on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableManualRingback ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable manual ringback.

By default the manual ringback feature is disabled, i.e, the stack sends alerting on behalf of the application automatically.

OO_OK on success, OO_FAILED on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableMediaWaitForConnect ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable MediaWaitForConnect.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableMediaWaitForConnect ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable MediaWaitForConnect.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableFastStart ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable faststart.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableFastStart ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable faststart.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableH245Tunneling ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable tunneling.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableH245Tunneling ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable tunneling.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableGkRouted ( void   ) 

This function is used to enable GkRouted calls.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableGkRouted ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable Gkrouted calls.

OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetProductID ( const char *  productID  ) 

This function is used to set the product ID.

productID New value for the product id.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetVersionID ( const char *  versionID  ) 

This function is used to set version id.

versionID New value for the version id.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetCallerID ( const char *  callerID  ) 

This function is used to set callerid to be used for outbound calls.

callerID New value for the caller id.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetCallingPartyNumber ( const char *  number  ) 

This function is used to set calling party number to be used for outbound calls.Note, you can override it for a specific call by using ooCallSetCallingPartyNumber function.

number e164 number to be used as calling party number.
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, otherwise.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG728Capability ( int  cap,
int  txframes,
int  rxframes,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add G728 capability to the H323 endpoint.

cap Type of G728 capability to be added.
txframes Number of frames per packet for transmission.
rxframes Number of frames per packet for reception.
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG729Capability ( int  cap,
int  txframes,
int  rxframes,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add G729 capability to the H323 endpoint.

cap Type of G729 capability to be added.
txframes Number of frames per packet for transmission.
rxframes Number of frames per packet for reception.
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG7231Capability ( int  cap,
int  txframes,
int  rxframes,
OOBOOL  silenceSuppression,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add G7231 capability to the H323 endpoint.

cap Type of G7231 capability to be added.
txframes Number of frames per packet for transmission.
rxframes Number of frames per packet for reception.
silenceSuppression Silence Suppression support
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddG711Capability ( int  cap,
int  txframes,
int  rxframes,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add G711 capability to the H323 endpoint.

cap Type of G711 capability to be added.
txframes Number of frames per packet for transmission.
rxframes Number of frames per packet for reception.
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddGSMCapability ( int  cap,
ASN1USINT  framesPerPkt,
OOBOOL  comfortNoise,
OOBOOL  scrambled,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add a new GSM capability to the endpoint.

cap Type of GSM capability to be added.
framesPerPkt Number of GSM frames pre packet.
comfortNoise Comfort noise spec for the capability.
scrambled Scrambled enabled/disabled for the capability.
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpAddH263VideoCapability ( int  cap,
unsigned  sqcifMPI,
unsigned  qcifMPI,
unsigned  cifMPI,
unsigned  cif4MPI,
unsigned  cif16MPI,
unsigned  maxBitRate,
int  dir,
cb_StartReceiveChannel  startReceiveChannel,
cb_StartTransmitChannel  startTransmitChannel,
cb_StopReceiveChannel  stopReceiveChannel,
cb_StopTransmitChannel  stopTransmitChannel 

This function is used to add H263 video capability to the H323 endpoint.

cap Capability type - OO_H263VIDEO
sqcifMPI Minimum picture interval for encoding/decoding of SQCIF pictures.
qcifMPI Minimum picture interval for encoding/decoding of QCIF pictures.
cifMPI Minimum picture interval for encoding/decoding of CIF pictures.
cif4MPI Minimum picture interval for encoding/decoding of CIF4 pictures.
cif16MPI Minimum picture interval for encoding/decoding of CIF16 pictures.
maxBitRate Maximum bit rate in units of 100 bits/s at which a transmitter can transmit video or a receiver can receive video.
dir Direction of capability.OORX, OOTX, OORXANDTX
startReceiveChannel Callback function to start receive channel.
startTransmitChannel Callback function to start transmit channel.
stopReceiveChannel Callback function to stop receive channel.
stopTransmitChannel Callback function to stop transmit channel.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFRFC2833 ( int  dynamicRTPPayloadType  ) 

This function is used to enable rfc 2833 support for the endpoint.

dynamicRTPPayloadType Payload type value to use.
OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFRFC2833 ( void   ) 

This function is used to disable rfc 2833 support for the endpoint.

OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFH245Alphanumeric (  ) 

This function is used to enable the H245(alphanumeric) dtmf capability for the endpoint.

OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFH245Alphanumeric (  ) 

This function is used to disable the H245(alphanumeric) dtmf capability for the endpoint.

OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpEnableDTMFH245Signal (  ) 

This function is used to enable the H245(signal) dtmf capability for the endpoint.

OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpDisableDTMFH245Signal (  ) 

This function is used to disable the H245(signal) dtmf capability for the endpoint.

OO_OK, on success; OO_FAILED, on failure

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetGkClientCallbacks ( OOGKCLIENTCALLBACKS  gkClientCallbacks  ) 

This function is used to add callbacks to the gatekeeper client.

If user application wants to do some special processing of various gatekeeper client events, that can be done through these callbacks.

gkClientCallbacks Handle to the callback structure.Make sure all the members of the structure are appropriately initialized.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

EXTERN int ooH323EpSetBearerCap ( const char *  configText  ) 

This function is used to set the bearer capability that will be used to create the Q.931 bearer capability IE.

configText Configuration text value. Currently, the only two supported values are 'unrestricted_digital' and 'speech'.
OO_OK, on success. OO_FAILED, on failure.

This file was last modified on 28 May 2010.
Objective Open H.323 Stack, 0.9.1