Objective Systems, Inc.  

Socket Layer

Data Structures

struct  OOInterface


#define OOIPADDR_LOCAL   ((OOIPADDR)0x7f000001UL)


typedef int OOSOCKET
 Socket's handle.
typedef unsigned long OOIPADDR
 The IP address represented as unsigned long value.


EXTERN int ooSocketAccept (OOSOCKET socket, OOSOCKET *pNewSocket, OOIPADDR *destAddr, int *destPort)
 This function permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketAddrToStr (OOIPADDR ipAddr, char *pbuf, int bufsize)
 This function converts an IP address to its string representation.
EXTERN int ooSocketBind (OOSOCKET socket, OOIPADDR addr, int port)
 This function associates a local address with a socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketClose (OOSOCKET socket)
 This function closes an existing socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketConnect (OOSOCKET socket, const char *host, int port)
 This function establishes a connection to a specified socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketCreate (OOSOCKET *psocket)
 This function creates a socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketCreateUDP (OOSOCKET *psocket)
 This function creates a UDP datagram socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketsInit (void)
 This function initiates use of sockets by an application.
EXTERN int ooSocketsCleanup (void)
 This function terminates use of sockets by an application.
EXTERN int ooSocketListen (OOSOCKET socket, int maxConnection)
 This function places a socket a state where it is listening for an incoming connection.
EXTERN int ooSocketRecvPeek (OOSOCKET socket, ASN1OCTET *pbuf, ASN1UINT bufsize)
 This function is used to peek at the received data without actually removing it from the receive socket buffer.
EXTERN int ooSocketRecv (OOSOCKET socket, ASN1OCTET *pbuf, ASN1UINT bufsize)
 This function receives data from a connected socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketRecvFrom (OOSOCKET socket, ASN1OCTET *pbuf, ASN1UINT bufsize, char *remotehost, ASN1UINT hostBufLen, int *remoteport)
 This function receives data from a connected/unconnected socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketSend (OOSOCKET socket, const ASN1OCTET *pdata, ASN1UINT size)
 This function sends data on a connected socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketSendTo (OOSOCKET socket, const ASN1OCTET *pdata, ASN1UINT size, const char *remotehost, int remoteport)
 This function sends data on a connected or unconnected socket.
EXTERN int ooSocketSelect (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout)
 This function is used for synchronous monitoring of multiple sockets.
EXTERN int ooSocketStrToAddr (const char *pIPAddrStr, OOIPADDR *pIPAddr)
 This function converts the string with IP address to a double word representation.
EXTERN int ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr (const char *inetIp, ASN1OCTET *netIp, size_t bufsiz)
 This function converts an internet dotted ip address to network address.
EXTERN int ooGetLocalIPAddress (char *pIPAddrs)
 This function retrives the IP address of the local host.
EXTERN int ooSocketGetSockName (OOSOCKET socket, struct sockaddr_in *name, socklen_t *size)
EXTERN long ooSocketHTONL (long val)
EXTERN short ooSocketHTONS (short val)
EXTERN int ooSocketGetIpAndPort (OOSOCKET socket, char *ip, int len, int *port)
 This function is used to retrieve the ip and port number used by the socket passed as parameter.
EXTERN int ooSocketGetInterfaceList (OOCTXT *pctxt, OOInterface **ifList)

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long OOIPADDR

The IP address represented as unsigned long value.

The most significant 8 bits in this unsigned long value represent the first number of the IP address. The least significant 8 bits represent the last number of the IP address.

Definition at line 82 of file ooSocket.h.

Function Documentation

EXTERN int ooSocketAccept ( OOSOCKET  socket,
OOSOCKET pNewSocket,
OOIPADDR destAddr,
int *  destPort 

This function permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket.

It extracts the first connection on the queue of pending connections on socket. It then creates a new socket and returns a handle to the new socket. The newly created socket is the socket that will handle the actual connection and has the same properties as original socket. See description of 'accept' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate function.
pNewSocket The pointer to variable to receive the new socket's handle.
destAddr Optional pointer to a buffer that receives the IP address of the connecting entity. It may be NULL.
destPort Optional pointer to a buffer that receives the port of the connecting entity. It may be NULL.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketAddrToStr ( OOIPADDR  ipAddr,
char *  pbuf,
int  bufsize 

This function converts an IP address to its string representation.

ipAddr The IP address to be converted.
pbuf Pointer to the buffer to receive a string with the IP address.
bufsize Size of the buffer.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketBind ( OOSOCKET  socket,
int  port 

This function associates a local address with a socket.

It is used on an unconnected socket before subsequent calls to the rtSocketConnect or rtSocketListen functions. See description of 'bind' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate function.
addr The local IP address to assign to the socket.
port The local port number to assign to the socket.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketClose ( OOSOCKET  socket  ) 

This function closes an existing socket.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate or rtSocketAccept function.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketConnect ( OOSOCKET  socket,
const char *  host,
int  port 

This function establishes a connection to a specified socket.

It is used to create a connection to the specified destination. When the socket call completes successfully, the socket is ready to send and receive data. See description of 'connect' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate function.
host The null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
port The destination port to connect.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketCreate ( OOSOCKET psocket  ) 

This function creates a socket.

The only streaming TCP/IP sockets are supported at the moment.

psocket The pointer to the socket's handle variable to receive the handle of new socket.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketCreateUDP ( OOSOCKET psocket  ) 

This function creates a UDP datagram socket.

psocket The pointer to the socket's handle variable to receive the handle of new socket.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketsInit ( void   ) 

This function initiates use of sockets by an application.

This function must be called first before use sockets.

Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketsCleanup ( void   ) 

This function terminates use of sockets by an application.

This function must be called after done with sockets.

Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketListen ( OOSOCKET  socket,
int  maxConnection 

This function places a socket a state where it is listening for an incoming connection.

To accept connections, a socket is first created with the rtSocketCreate function and bound to a local address with the rtSocketBind function, a maxConnection for incoming connections is specified with rtSocketListen, and then the connections are accepted with the rtSocketAccept function. See description of 'listen' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate function.
maxConnection Maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketRecvPeek ( OOSOCKET  socket,
ASN1UINT  bufsize 

This function is used to peek at the received data without actually removing it from the receive socket buffer.

A receive call after this will get the same data from the socket.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate or rtSocketAccept function.
pbuf Pointer to the buffer for the incoming data.
bufsize Length of the buffer.
If no error occurs, returns the number of bytes received. Otherwise, the negative value is error code.

EXTERN int ooSocketRecv ( OOSOCKET  socket,
ASN1UINT  bufsize 

This function receives data from a connected socket.

It is used to read incoming data on sockets. The socket must be connected before calling this function. See description of 'recv' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate or rtSocketAccept function.
pbuf Pointer to the buffer for the incoming data.
bufsize Length of the buffer.
If no error occurs, returns the number of bytes received. Otherwise, the negative value is error code.

EXTERN int ooSocketRecvFrom ( OOSOCKET  socket,
ASN1UINT  bufsize,
char *  remotehost,
ASN1UINT  hostBufLen,
int *  remoteport 

This function receives data from a connected/unconnected socket.

It is used to read incoming data on sockets. It populates the remotehost and remoteport parameters with information of remote host. See description of 'recvfrom' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to ooSocketCreate
pbuf Pointer to the buffer for the incoming data.
bufsize Length of the buffer.
remotehost Pointer to a buffer in which remote ip address will be returned.
hostBufLen Length of the buffer passed for remote ip address.
remoteport Pointer to an int in which remote port number will be returned.
If no error occurs, returns the number of bytes received. Otherwise, negative value.

EXTERN int ooSocketSend ( OOSOCKET  socket,
const ASN1OCTET pdata,
ASN1UINT  size 

This function sends data on a connected socket.

It is used to write outgoing data on a connected socket. See description of 'send' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate or rtSocketAccept function.
pdata Buffer containing the data to be transmitted.
size Length of the data in pdata.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketSendTo ( OOSOCKET  socket,
const ASN1OCTET pdata,
ASN1UINT  size,
const char *  remotehost,
int  remoteport 

This function sends data on a connected or unconnected socket.

See description of 'sendto' socket function for further details.

socket The socket's handle created by call to rtSocketCreate or rtSocketAccept function.
pdata Buffer containing the data to be transmitted.
size Length of the data in pdata.
remotehost Remote host ip address to which data has to be sent.
remoteport Remote port ip address to which data has to be sent.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketSelect ( int  nfds,
fd_set *  readfds,
fd_set *  writefds,
fd_set *  exceptfds,
struct timeval *  timeout 

This function is used for synchronous monitoring of multiple sockets.

For more information refer to documnetation of "select" system call.

nfds The highest numbered descriptor to be monitored plus one.
readfds The descriptors listed in readfds will be watched for whether read would block on them.
writefds The descriptors listed in writefds will be watched for whether write would block on them.
exceptfds The descriptors listed in exceptfds will be watched for exceptions.
timeout Upper bound on amout of time elapsed before select returns.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketStrToAddr ( const char *  pIPAddrStr,

This function converts the string with IP address to a double word representation.

The converted address may be used with the rtSocketBind function.

pIPAddrStr The null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
pIPAddr Pointer to the converted IP address.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr ( const char *  inetIp,
size_t  bufsiz 

This function converts an internet dotted ip address to network address.

inetIp The null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
netIp Buffer in which the converted address will be returned.
bufsiz Size of buffer to receive converted address.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooGetLocalIPAddress ( char *  pIPAddrs  ) 

This function retrives the IP address of the local host.

pIPAddrs Pointer to a char buffer in which local IP address will be returned.
Completion status of operation: 0 (ASN_OK) = success, negative return value is error.

EXTERN int ooSocketGetIpAndPort ( OOSOCKET  socket,
char *  ip,
int  len,
int *  port 

This function is used to retrieve the ip and port number used by the socket passed as parameter.

It internally uses getsockname system call for this purpose.

socket Socket for which ip and port has to be determined.
ip Buffer in which ip address will be returned.
len Length of the ip address buffer.
port Pointer to integer in which port number will be returned.
ASN_OK, on success; -ve on failed.

This file was last modified on 28 May 2010.
Objective Open H.323 Stack, 0.9.1