BER/PER C Utility Functions
[BER Runtime Library Functions.]


#define xu_addTagErrParm   berErrAddTagParm
#define xu_hex_dump(msg, numoct, hdr)   rtxHexDump(msg,numoct)


int berDefToIndefLen (OSCTXT *pSrcCtxt, OSCTXT *pDstCtxt)
int berIndefToDefLen (OSCTXT *pSrcCtxt, OSCTXT *pDstCtxt)
OSBOOL berErrAddTagParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1TAG tag)
int berErrUnexpTag (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1TAG exptag)
int berGetLibVersion ()
const char * berGetLibInfo ()
int berParseTagLen (const OSOCTET *buffer, size_t bufidx, size_t bufsize, ASN1TAG *ptag, size_t *plen)
const char * berTagToString (ASN1TAG tag, char *buffer, size_t bufsiz)
const char * berTagToDynStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1TAG tag)
int xu_verify_len (OSOCTET *msg_p)
void * xu_parse_mmbuf (OSOCTET **buf_p2, int *buflen_p, OSOCTET *start_p, int bufsiz)
void xu_alloc_array (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1SeqOf *seqOf_p, int recSize, int recCount)
void xu_octscpy_s (OSUINT32 *nocts_p, OSOCTET *data_p, char *cstr, char zterm)
void xu_octscpy_ss (ASN1OctStr *octStr_p, char *cstring, char zterm)
void xu_octscpy_d (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSUINT32 *nocts_p, const OSOCTET **data_p2, char *cstring, char zterm)
void xu_octscpy_ds (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1DynOctStr *octStr_p, char *cstring, char zterm)
void xu_octmcpy_s (ASN1OctStr *octStr_p, void *data_p, int datalen)
void xu_octmcpy_d (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1DynOctStr *octStr_p, void *data_p, int datalen)
char * xu_fetchstr (int numocts, char *data)
int xu_hexstrcpy (char *data, char *hstring)
int xu_binstrcpy (char *data, char *bstring)
int xu_dump (OSOCTET *msgptr, ASN1DumpCbFunc cb, void *cbArg_p)
int xu_fdump (FILE *file_p, OSOCTET *msgptr)
int xu_dump2 (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSOCTET *msgptr)
void xu_fmt_tag (ASN1TAG *tag_p, char *class_p, char *form_p, char *id_code)
char * xu_fmt_contents (OSCTXT *pctxt, int len, int *count)
int xu_fread (FILE *fp, OSOCTET *bufp, int bufsiz)
void xu_SaveBufferState (OSCTXT *pCtxt, OSRTBufSave *pSavedInfo)
void xu_RestoreBufferState (OSCTXT *pCtxt, OSRTBufSave *pSavedInfo)
int berReadMsgFromSocket (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTSOCKET socket, OSOCTET *buffer, int bufsiz, OSOCTET **ppDestBuffer, int *pMessageSize)

Detailed Description

BER/DER utility functions are provided for memory management, formatting output of ASN.1 messages, and error reporting. In many cases, these functions are closely coupled with the rt (runtime) series of common functions. The common functions provide common functionality shared between the BER/DER, PER, and XER runtime libraries. In many cases, these functions simply provide wrappers to the rt functions to maintain compatibility with existing versions of the ASN1C compiler.

Define Documentation

#define xu_hex_dump ( msg,
hdr   )     rtxHexDump(msg,numoct)

This function dumps binary data in raw hexadecimal and character text formats. It can be used only to examine runtime library encode/decode functions input or output data. This function outputs data only to the standard output device.

This function is considered depreciated and is only being maintained to provide backward compatibility with older versions of ASN1C.

*data A pointer to the start of the block of memory to be dumped.
numocts The number of octets (bytes) to be dumped.
hdrflg A Boolean variable indicating whether or not a head line should be dumped as the first line of the display.

Function Documentation

int berDefToIndefLen ( OSCTXT *  pSrcCtxt,
OSCTXT *  pDstCtxt 

This function converts BER encoded message with definite form of length to BER encoded message with indefinite form of length.

pSrcCtxt A pointer to a source OSCTXT structure.
pDstCtxt A pointer to a destination OSCTXT structure.
Status of the conversion operation. Possible values are 0 if conversion is successful or one of the negative status codes.
OSBOOL berErrAddTagParm ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1TAG  tag 

This function adds a tag parameter to the context error structure.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure.
tag The tag to add.
Pointer to the text string (buffer).
int berErrUnexpTag ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1TAG  exptag 

This function logs a BER unexpected tag error (IDNOTFOU) by adding the expected and parsed tag to the error context and returning the error status.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure.
exptag Expected tag.
RTERR_IDNOTFOU status code.
const char* berGetLibInfo (  ) 

This function returns a string that describes the features of the BER runtime library. Different release kits will return different strings. An example would be "ASN1BER v6.1.1, opt, compact, limited."

int berGetLibVersion (  ) 

This function returns an integer representation of the BER library version.

int berIndefToDefLen ( OSCTXT *  pSrcCtxt,
OSCTXT *  pDstCtxt 

This function converts BER encoded message with indefinite form of length to BER encoded message with definite form of length.

pSrcCtxt A pointer to a source OSCTXT structure.
pDstCtxt A pointer to a destination OSCTXT structure.
Status of the conversion operation. Possible values are 0 if conversion is successful or one of the negative status codes.
int berParseTagLen ( const OSOCTET *  buffer,
size_t  bufidx,
size_t  bufsize,
ASN1TAG *  ptag,
size_t *  plen 

This function parses a tag and length value starting at the given buffer pointer location. This is assumed to be pointing at the beginning of a TLV. It is similar to xd_tag_len, except it does not require an initialized context to work. This makes it a better alternative in terms of performance when it is only necessary to get tag and length info without having to do full decoding.

buffer Pointer to buffer containing BER-encoded data to parse.
bufidx Index within buffer that parsing is to begin. It is expected that buffer[bufidx] is pointing at the start of a TLV (tag-length-value).
bufsiz Size of the BER-encoded message.
ptag Pointer to tag variable to receive parsed tag value.
plen Pointer to length variable to receive parsed length.
Pointer to the text string (buffer).
int berReadMsgFromSocket ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSOCTET *  buffer,
int  bufsiz,
OSOCTET **  ppDestBuffer,
int *  pMessageSize 

This routine reads the BER message into the given buffer. The TLV can be of indefinite length. If buffer is NULL, dynamic buffer will be allocated and returned as ppDestBuffer. Length of the message will be returned in pMessageSize.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
socket The socket to read from. It should be already connected TCP socket.
buffer The static buffer to receive the parsed data. Can be NULL.
bufsiz The size of the buffer to receive the parsed data. Should be 0, if buffer is NULL.
ppDestBuffer The pointer to receive the destination buffer pointer. If buffer is static, this parameter can be NULL.
pMessageSize The pointer to integer to receive the size of read message.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
const char* berTagToDynStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1TAG  tag 

This function converts an internal binary ASN.1 tag to a string in standard ASN.1 syntax form. This version creates a dynamic string by allocating memory using the rtxMemAlloc function. This memory will be release when context memory is freed.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure.
tag The tag to convert.
Pointer to dynamic text string.
const char* berTagToString ( ASN1TAG  tag,
char *  buffer,
size_t  bufsiz 

This function converts an internal binary ASN.1 tag to a string in standard ASN.1 syntax form.

tag The tag to convert.
buffer Text buffer into which the string will be written.
bufsiz Size of the text buffer.
Pointer to the text string (buffer).
void xu_alloc_array ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1SeqOf *  seqOf_p,
int  recSize,
int  recCount 

This function will allocate space for a given count of fixed size elements.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
seqOf_p A pointer to a generic sequence of structure variables to receive the returned memory. This structure contains a record count and a data pointer element. The record count is populated with the recCount passed into the function. The data pointer is set to the value that is returned from the memory allocation function.
recSize The number of bytes in one record in the array.
recCount The number of records to allocate. A pointer to a generic sequence of structure variable to receive the returned memory. This structure contains a record count and data pointer element. The record count is populated with the recCount passed into the function. The data pointer is set to the value that is returned from the memory allocation function.
int xu_dump ( OSOCTET *  msgptr,
ASN1DumpCbFunc  cb,
void *  cbArg_p 

This function dumps an encoded ASN.1 message to the standard output device or to another interface in a formatted display. The display includes, for each message component, message tag (class, form, and ID code) and data (in hexadecimal and character text formats).

This function is invoked for each line of text formatted from the given message. The formatted line is passed on the text_p argument. The cbArg_p argument allows a user to defined callback argument to be passed to the callback function. This argument is specified in the call to xu_dump.

Use of the callback function is optional. If dump to standard output (stdout) is desired, the argument should be specified as NULL (note: the macro XU_DUMP in rtxsrc/rtxCommon.h can be used for this purpose).

*msgptr A pointer to an encoded ASN.1 message.
cb Callback function that gets invoked for each line of formatted output. For a dump to standard output (stdout), this parameter can be specified as NULL.
cbArg_p Callback function argument will be passed to the callback function.
Status of the dump operation. Possible values are 0 if decoding is successful or one of the negative status codes.

Referenced by ASN1BERMessageBuffer::binDump().

int xu_dump2 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSOCTET *  msgptr 

This function dumps an encoded ASN.1 message to the standard output device or to another interface in a formatted display. The display includes, for each message component, message tag (class, form, and ID code) and data (in hexadecimal and character text formats).

This function is invoked for each line of text formatted from the given message. If a print stream has been registered using the rtxSetPrintStream or rtxSetGlobalPrintStream functions, the output of xu_dump2 will be sent to the stream instead of standard output.

*pctxt A pointer to an OSCTXT structure.
*msgptr A pointer to an encoded ASN.1 message.
Status of the dump operation. Possible values are 0 if decoding is successful or one of the negative status codes.
See also:
int xu_fdump ( FILE *  file_p,
OSOCTET *  msgptr 

This function dumps an encoded ASN.1 message to a text file. The display includes, for each message component, message tag (class, form, and ID code), length, and data (in hexadecimal and character text formats).

*file_p A text file pointer.
*msgptr A pointer to an encoded ASN.1 message buffer.
Status of the dump operation. Possible values are 0 if decoding is successful or one of the negative status codes.
void xu_RestoreBufferState ( OSCTXT *  pCtxt,
OSRTBufSave *  pSavedInfo 

This function is used to restore the current buffer state from previously saved info.

pCtxt - A pointer to a context structure.
pSavedInfo - A pointer to a structure holding the saved info.
void xu_SaveBufferState ( OSCTXT *  pCtxt,
OSRTBufSave *  pSavedInfo 

This function is used to save the current buffer state.

pCtxt - A pointer to a context structure.
pSavedInfo - A pointer to a structure to hold the saved info.