Socket stream functions.


int rtxStreamSocketAttach (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTSOCKET socket, OSUINT16 flags)
int rtxStreamSocketClose (OSCTXT *pctxt)
int rtxStreamSocketCreateWriter (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *host, int port)
int rtxStreamSocketSetOwnership (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSBOOL ownSocket)
int rtxStreamSocketSetReadTimeout (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSUINT32 nsecs)

Detailed Description

Socket stream functions are used for socket stream operations.

Function Documentation

int rtxStreamSocketAttach ( OSCTXT pctxt,
OSUINT16  flags 

Attaches the existing socket handle to the stream. The socket should be already opened and connected. The 'flags' parameter specifies the access mode for the stream - input or output.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure variable that has been initialized for stream operations.
socket The socket handle created by rtxSocketCreate.
flags Specifies the access mode for the stream:

  • OSRTSTRMF_INPUT = input (reading) stream;
  • OSRTSTRMF_OUTPUT = output (writing) stream.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.
int rtxStreamSocketClose ( OSCTXT pctxt  ) 

This function closes a socket stream.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure variable that has been initialized for stream operations.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.
int rtxStreamSocketCreateWriter ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const char *  host,
int  port 

This function opens a socket stream for writing.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure variable that has been initialized for stream operations.
host Name of host or IP address to which to connect.
port Port number to which to connect.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.
int rtxStreamSocketSetOwnership ( OSCTXT pctxt,
OSBOOL  ownSocket 

This function transfers ownership of the socket to or from the stream instance. The socket will be closed and deleted when the stream is closed or goes out of scope. By default stream socket owns the socket.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure variable that has been initialized for stream operations.
ownSocket Boolean value.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.
int rtxStreamSocketSetReadTimeout ( OSCTXT pctxt,
OSUINT32  nsecs 

This function sets the read timeout value to the given number of seconds. Any read operation attempted on the stream will timeout after this period of time if no data is received.

pctxt Pointer to a context structure variable that has been initialized for stream operations.
nsecs Number of seconds to wait before timing out.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.